Answer to Cancer

The Only Answer to Cancer

Dr. Leonard Coldwell claims that any type of cancer can be cured in 2 to 16 weeks. And there are some types of cancer, if treated with the right treatment can be healed in few minutes. He says that positivity and hopefulness that really helps in the healing process.

First of all, Dr. Coldwell says that we need to eat more vegetables. This type of diet gives the body lots of oxygen. And if we add calcium and other alkalizing foods we will alkalize our bodies. This is very important for all cancer patients because the progress of cancer stop when the body is alkalized.

Other important thing you should know is that our body has to achieve what is called a therapeutic Ph level. pH has 14 levels from 0 to 14. The lower values are the acidic region and the higher values are the alkaline region. The median neutral level is Ph 7. When the body reaches pH 7 it’s alkaline. A level of 7.36 is very good, but when it comes to treatment, a pH of around 7.5 or higher should be present.

Dr. Coldwell claims that the “intravenous” injection of Vitamin C is very helpful. 100 cc every day, 3 times a week or less will give more than amazing results. Believe it or not, the cancer disappears in a few days after the Vitamin C injection.

Other thing you should do is eliminate hypoxia. Dr. Martin, Dr. Coldwell’s friend offers a great solution for this – an oxygen therapy which involves several steps. In this method, blood is taken out, it’s enriched with pure oxygen and then re-injected into the body 12 times. When the blood is taken out of the body has a shade black color. But with this therapy, the blood that is re-injected has a shade of beautiful pink, like the blood of newborn baby. It’s completely fresh. This treatment fills the body with energy.

Vitamin C and E – the miracle cures

Dr. Coldwell says that you need to eat foods, which have high amount of Vitamin C, such as: chili peppers, cabbage, broccoli, papaya, strawberries, cauliflower, pineapples, kiwi fruit, oranges and lemons. But, Vitamin C is not the only vitamin that has healing powers. We can add Vitamin E to this category as well. Vitamin E is extremely helpful with blood pressure. When it’s treated quickly and effectively in any form, Vitamin E has shown that I can produce stunning results. But, the best source of Vitamin E should be a natural source, and not the artificially produced ones. A study done with artificial produced Vitamin E has shown that it was ineffective.

Remember, chemicals won’t help you with cancer. The nature is the one that brings all these illnesses and the nature again will come to the rescue. We all know that cancer didn’t exist 100 years ago and there are no reasons to exist now. We have caused this serious problem by ourselves. As we said before, the best and the most effective way to get rid of cancer is to consume fresh organic vegetables and other fresh raw foods.

Drink Water with sea salt

Other important thing, according to Dr. Coldwell is to drink 4 liters of water with ½ teaspoon of sea salt every day – unless you suffer from any type of kidney problem. If you think that excessive amounts of salt can lead to high blood pressure, Dr. Coldwell says not to worry. He says that even though we thought high amounts of salt is bad, the truth is actually the opposite. In fact, salt is essential. Lack of salt can create problems in your blood. Dr. Coldwell says that the electrical signal transmit only if the required amount of salt is present in our body.

What kind of salt do you use?

The real problem is with the table salt we all consume. The table salt we all consume contains only a third of actual salt. It contains 1/3 of glass and 1/3 of sand. This can cause some serious problems for our bodies. The sand and the glass irritate the blood vessels and they start bleeding. Then cholesterol clogs up to protect the blood vessels. Now you will think that high cholesterol can cause high blood pressure, right? But you are wrong again. This is not true, because you can’t die from excessive cholesterol. But you can have some serious problems if you have deficiency in cholesterol. Some people have had cholesterol as high as 60 and haven’t had any illness in their life.

HDL and LDL are proteins that move cholesterol?

We all know that there is good and bad cholesterol, or the so called HDL and LDL cholesterol. But, Dr. Coldwell disagrees and says that it’s not cholesterol. He says that they are proteins that move cholesterol. Everything we thought we knew about this is completely wrong. But, how the doctors who say these things can be wrong too? For this we have Dr. Neal’s opinion. Dr. Gray Neal says that according to the statistics the doctors have the shortest life span – they live 56 years, they suffer from alcoholism, drug abuse, as well as has the highest rate of suicides – it is higher only with psychiatrist – and yet we go to ask them how to live longer, happier and healthier life. I believe that you should change your opinion.

Cancer & Sugar

Cancer & Sugar - Strategy for Selective Starvation of Cancer

According to researchers at the University of California, San Francisco, sugar poses a health risk—contributing to around 35 million deaths globally each year. So high is sugar's toxicity that it should now be considered a potentially toxic substance like alcohol and tobacco. Its link with the onset of diabetes is such that punitive regulations, such as a tax on all foods and drinks that contain "added'' sugar, are now warranted, the researchers concluded. They also recommend banning sales in or near schools, as well as placing age limits on the sale of such products.

Sugar's harmful effects do not stop at diabetes, metabolic syndrome, hyper- and hypoglycemia, GERD and heart disease. Sugar and cancer are locked in a death grip, yet oncologists often fail to do what's necessary to stop their patients from feeding their cancers with sweets.

Whereas many within the mainstream medical community insist on promoting the belief that the link between certain types of food with an increased risk of cancer is "weak" or only "nominally significant." They believe that research "linking foodstuffs to cancer reveals no valid medical patterns." We also find such superficial attitudes promoted in the medical press-all of which lack any kind of medical depth.

An increasing number of medical scientists and many alternative practitioners know that the most logical, effective, safe, necessary and inexpensive way to treat cancer is to cut off the supply of food to tumors and cancer cells, starving them with a lack of glucose. The therapeutic strategy for selective starvation of tumors by dietary modification (ketogenic diet) is one of the principle forms of therapy that is necessary for cancer patients to win their war on cancer.

Researchers at Huntsman Cancer Institute in Utah were one of the first to discover that sugar "feeds" tumors. The research published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences said, "It's been known since 1923 that tumor cells use a lot more glucose than normal cells. Our research helps show how this process takes place, and how it might be stopped to control tumor growth," says Don Ayer, Ph.D., a professor in the Department of Oncological Sciences at the University of Utah.

Dr. Thomas Graeber, a professor of molecular and medical pharmacology, has investigated how the metabolism of glucose affects the biochemical signals present in cancer cells. In research published June 26, 2012 in the journal Molecular Systems Biology, Graeber and his colleagues demonstrate that glucose starvation—that is, depriving cancer cells of glucose—activates a metabolic and signaling amplification loop that leads to cancer cell death as a result of the toxic accumulation of reactive oxygen species (ROS).[1]

Refined sugars are strongly linked to cancer, not only as a cause of it but also as something that feeds the cancer cells once a person has the disease—Nothing could be more important to consider in the attempt to improve the outcome of cancer treatments. The kinds of sugar so prevalent in today's standard American diet lead to cancer directly by causing inflammation throughout the body but in some places more than others depending on the individual and their constitution. Listen to this video and hear how simple this all really is. Once cancer cells are established in the body, they depend on steady glucose availability in the blood for their energy; they are not able to metabolize significant amounts of fatty acids or ketone bodies,[2]. so they need sugar.

Suppress/ Delay/ Slow/ Kill Cancer
Carbohydrates of one of the three macronutrients—the other two being fats and protein. There are simple carbohydrates and complex carbohydrates. Simple carbohydrates include sugars found naturally in foods such a fruits and fruit juices, sodas, some vegetables, white bread, white rice, pasta, milk and milk products, most snack foods, sweets, etc. But let us not forget the simple sugars added to foods during processing and refining that we may have no awareness of. It's the simple sugars that get most of the credit for causing the insulin response and glycation-associated inflammation that can lead to cancer.

Thus by reducing the amount of simple carbohydrates in the diet, the emergence of cancer can be suppressed or delayed, or the proliferation of already existing tumor cells can be slowed down, stopped and reversed by depriving the cancer cells of the food they need for survival.

Drs. Rainer Klement and Ulrike Kammerer conducted a comprehensive review of the literature involving dietary carbohydrates and their direct and indirect effect on cancer cells, which was published in October 2011 in the journal Nutrition and Metabolism, concluding that cancers are so sensitive to the sugar supply that cutting that supply will suppress cancer.[3] "Increased glucose flux and metabolism promotes several hallmarks of cancer such as excessive proliferation, anti-apoptotic signaling, cell cycle progression and angiogenesis."

Also, eating white sugar (or white anything) causes magnesium mineral deficiencies because the magnesium has been removed in the processing, making sugar a ripe target as a major cause of cancer because deficiencies in magnesium are not only pro-inflammatory but also pro-cancer.

More Ways to Cause Cancer with Sugar
High fructose corn syrup (HFCS) causes cancer in a unique way because much of it is contaminated with mercury due to the complex way it is made. High fructose corn syrup causes selenium deficiencies because the mercury in it binds with selenium, driving selenium levels downward. Selenium is crucial for glutathione production and its deficiency in soils tracks mathematically with cancer rates. Selenium and mercury are also eternal lovers having a strong affinity to bond with each other.

Already touched on briefly, excess sugar spikes insulin levels and insulin's eventual depletion. High insulin and insulin-like growth factor (IGF-1) are needed for the control of blood sugar levels that result from chronic ingestion of high-carbohydrate meals (like the typical American diet, that is full of grains and sugars). Increased insulin levels are pro-inflammatory and pro-cancer and can directly promote tumor cell proliferation via the insulin/ IGF-1 signaling pathway.

Dr. Christine Horner has a lot to say to women about insulin and breast cancer:

When it comes to breast cancer, insulin is no friend. One of the biggest reasons is due to the fact that both normal breast cells and cancer cells have insulin receptors on them. When insulin attaches to its receptor, it has the same effect as when estrogen attaches to its receptor: it causes cells to start dividing. The higher your insulin levels are, the faster your breast cells will divide; the faster they divide, the higher your risk of breast cancer is and the faster any existing cancer cells will grow.

There's also another detriment that high insulin levels can inflict. It makes more estrogen available to attach to the estrogen receptors in breast tissue. Insulin regulates how much of the estrogen in your blood is available to attach to estrogen receptors in your breast tissue. When estrogen travels in the blood, it either travels alone seeking an estrogen receptor, or it travels with a partner, a protein binder, that prevents it from attaching to an estrogen receptor. Insulin regulates the number of protein binders in the blood. So, the higher your insulin levels are, the fewer the number of protein binders there will be and therefore the more free estrogen that will be available to attach to estrogen receptors.

In other words, when your insulin levels are up, free-estrogen levels are up, and both of them speed up cell division. That's why high insulin levels increase your risk of breast cancer so much. Eating sugar increases your risk of breast cancer in another way. It delivers a major blow to your immune system with the force of a prizefighter.

Dr. Horner talks about a study conducted by Harvard Medical School (2004) that found that women who, as teenagers, ate high-glycemic foods that increased their blood glucose levels had a higher incidence of breast cancer later in life. "So, encouraging your teenage daughter to cut back on sugar will help her to lower her risk of breast cancer for the rest of her life," she said.

Sugar, Inflammation, Angiogenesis & Cancer
Sugars and the inflammation and acidic environments they create are important constituents of the local environment of tumors. In most types of cancer inflammatory conditions are present before malignancy changes occur. "Smoldering inflammation in tumor microenvironments has many tumor-promoting effects. Inflammation aids in the proliferation and survival of malignant cells, promotes angiogenesis and metastasis, subverts adaptive immune responses, and alters responses to hormones and chemotherapeutic agents.
The entire subject of inflammation, angiogenesis, sugar and cancer is crucial to understanding the links between cancer and the foods we eat. When we begin to zero in on inflammation and the acid conditions caused by excessive consumption of simple sugars, including fructose and high-fructose corn syrup, we begin to see more clearly how food and cancer are intimately connected.

In July 2012 a leading U.S. cancer lobby group urged the surgeon general to conduct a sweeping study of the impact of sugar-sweetened beverages on consumer health, saying such drinks play a major role in the nation's obesity crisis and require a U.S. action plan. In a letter to U.S. Health Secretary Kathleen Sebelius, the American Cancer Society's advocacy affiliate called for a comprehensive review along the lines of the U.S. top doctor's landmark report on the dangers of smoking in 1964.

The ruckus is about the growing connection between high sugar intake, mineral depletion, dehydration, diabetes, heart disease and cancer. Sugar causes cancer because the tendency of high-carbohydrate consumers tends toward dehydration, which is pro-inflammatory and thus pro-cancer.[5]

Pancreatic cancer cells use the sugar fructose to help tumors grow more quickly.[6] Tumor cells fed both glucose and fructose used the two sugars in two different ways, a team at the University of California Los Angeles found. Their findings, published in the journal Cancer Research, helps explain other studies that have linked fructose intake with pancreatic cancer, one of the deadliest cancer types. Researchers concluded that anyone wishing to curb their cancer risk should start by reducing the amount of sugar they eat.

This is the first time a link has been shown between fructose and cancer proliferation. "In this study we show that cancers can use fructose just as readily as glucose to fuel their growth," said Dr. Anthony Heaney of UCLA's Jonsson Cancer Center, the study's lead author. "The modern diet contains a lot of refined sugar including fructose and it's a hidden danger implicated in a lot of modern diseases, such as obesity, diabetes and fatty liver." While this study was done on pancreatic cancer, these findings may not be unique to that cancer type, Heaney said. "These findings show that cancer cells can readily metabolize fructose to increase proliferation."

It has been known for decades that cancer cells thrive on glucose. Moreover, foods that cause a sharp rise in blood glucose (i.e. foods with a high-glycemic index ranking) trigger the secretion of insulin and insulin growth factor (IGF-1), two hormones that also promote cancer growth.

Researchers using rats have found that a low-carbohydrate high-protein diet reduces blood glucose, insulin, and glycolysis, slows tumor growth, reduces tumor incidence, and works additively with existing therapies without weight loss or kidney failure.[7] Such a diet, therefore, has the potential of being both a novel cancer prophylactic and treatment.

Otto Warburg

Dr. Otto Warburg's 1924 paper, "On metabolism of tumors," stated, "Summarized in a few words, the prime cause of cancer is the replacement of the respiration of oxygen in normal body cells by a fermentation of sugar." If you've ever made wine, you'll know that fermentation requires sugar. The metabolism of cancer is approximately eight times greater than the metabolism of normal cells. Doctors have known for a long time that cancer metabolizes much differently than normal cells. Normal cells need oxygen. Cancer cells disregard oxygen when adequate glucose is present.

Warburg's hypothesis was of course that cancer growth was caused when cancer cells converted glucose into energy without using oxygen. Healthy cells make energy by converting pyruvate and oxygen. The pyruvate is oxidized within a healthy cell's mitochondria, and Warburg theorized that since cancer cells don't oxidize pyruvate, cancer must be considered a mitochondrial dysfunction.

Most, if not all, tumor cells have a high demand on glucose compared to benign cells of the same tissue and conduct glycolysis even in the presence of oxygen (the Warburg effect). In addition, many cancer cells express insulin receptors (IRs) and show hyperactivation of the IGF1R-IR (IGF-1 receptor/ insulin receptor) pathway. Evidence exists that chronically elevated blood glucose, insulin and IGF-1 levels facilitate tumor genesis and worsen the outcome in cancer patients.

Treating diabetic patients, A. Braunstein observed in 1921 that in those who developed cancer, glucose secretion in the urine disappeared. One year later, R. Bierich described the remarkable accumulation of lactate in the micromilieu of tumor tissues and demonstrated lactate to be essential for invasion of melanoma cells into the surrounding tissue. One year after that Warburg began his experiments that eventually ended for him with a Nobel Prize.

Sugar turns the body into a suitable breeding ground for viruses, bacteria, fungi and cancer by devastating the immune system.

Sugar Feeds Cancer

Knowing that one's cancer needs sugar, does it make sense to feed it sugar? Does it make sense to have a high-carbohydrate diet?

Of the four million cancer patients being treated in America today, hardly any are offered any scientifically guided nutrition therapy beyond being told to "just eat good foods." Oncologists have no shame about this, insisting that diet has little to do with cancer.

Cancer patients should not be feeding their cancers like they would feed cotton candy to their grandchildren. As long as this cancer cell can get a regular supply of sugar—or glucose—it lives and thrives longer than it should. Now imagine oncologists getting enlightened and they start to advise their patients to starve the cancer instead of bombing it to smithereens with chemotherapy and radiation treatments all the while feeding the cancer with sugar!

Cancer & Silver

Colloidal Silver has been clinically proven to be powerful natural antibiotic, estimated to kill over 750 different disease-causing pathogens (anaerobic bacteria, viruses, fungus and yeast). It is used by NASA on shuttle missions and used in hospital intensive burn units. Having silver in the bloodstream increases the healing process of fractured bones. Small amounts of silver have also been used over time to preserve foods. Colloidal Silver is used for the treatment of various conditions and pathogens:
acne, aids, arthritis, athlete's foot, bladder inflammation, burns, B.Tuberculosis,
blepharitis, cancer, colitis, cystitis, diphtheria, dermatitis, diabetes, dysentery, ear infections, Eustachian tubes, eczema, fibrositis, furunculosis, gonorrheal herpes, gonorrhea, impetigo, influenza, intestinal conditions, keratitis, leprosy, leukemia, lupus, lymphangitis  malaria, Meniere's symptoms, meningitis, neurasthenia, ophthalmology, canine parvo virus, pneumonia, pleurisy, prostate, Pruritis Ani, quinsiie, rheumatism, ringworm  rhinitis, scarletina, seborrhea, septic ulcers, sepsis, septicemia, skin cancer, shingles, soft sores, spruce, staph infections, strep infections, Subdies inflammation, tuberculosis, tonsillitis, toxemia, typhoid, trench foot, ulcers, warts, whooping cough and yeast infections.
Today we are threatened by more "severe" viruses such as the Ebola and Hanta and other "flesh-eating" bacteria. However, understanding that these are merely viruses and bacteria, silver renders these organisms as ineffective in the disease game as any others. Under a microscope, bacteria which have mutated to the point where they laugh at penicillin are quickly dispatched with a few ions of silver.
Colloidal Silver is defined as a very small particle of silver suspended in a different medium, such as in a liquid. Colloidal silver is also an electrical colloid meaning the silver particles, have a positive electrical charge. Because of the small particle size and electrical charge, the particles repel each other and thus theoretically stay suspended in the water indefinitely and do not settle out.
Colloidal silver works in several ways. It’s very effective anti-microbial properties have resulted in use by doctors for the treatment of AIDS, Cancer, Epstein Barr, Gonorrhea, Lyme's Disease, Candida, fungus, warts and parasites. Silver maintains a positive charge which when introduced to areas of infection; disrupt the organisms causing the illness.
Interestingly, colloidal silver kills the pathogens by inhibiting the enzyme(s) that these pathogens utilize to survive in their anaerobic environment. This process is so effective that no pathogen has been recorded to mutate against colloidal silver or live in its presence for more than 6 minutes. While antibiotics are losing their effectiveness, as several strains of germs are becoming resistant to conventional antibiotics, they are not able to develop any resistant strains or immunity to SILVER.
Why is there no toxicity? Because the silver is in a colloidal form, any excess that is not needed by the body is easily eliminated thereby preventing the accumulation in body tissues for long periods of time. There is no known interaction between PURE colloidal silver and any drugs, herbs or medicines. Colloidal silver is reported to be nontoxic to the body. No known cases exist demonstrating the ability to overdose using colloidal silver.
It is so simple. You can make your own colloidal silver for under $1.00 per gallon!

1. Buy a 10 to 30 volt DC transformer for about $1 (Garage Sale). Or one can use one to four 9 volt batteries in series. They will last a long time.
2. Clip the connector off the end of the wire.
3. Get two alligator clips from Radio Shack for a buck.
4. Carefully separate the two wires. Strip the insulation off for about 1 inch.
5. Connect each lead to a clip.
6. You need two electrodes (last for years). You can use two, 6 inch pieces of 16ga 1.25mm Round Pure Fine 999 Silver Wire (Ebay $11) or go to a any coin store and buy two Canadian Maple Leafs. Each has 1 oz. of .9999 pure silver, enough to make more CS than you will ever use. ($60)
7. Buy a gallon of distilled water for about seventy cents.
8. (Optional) Buy a tiny fish tank bubbler machine for about eight bucks. They will have the neoprene tubing as well. You will need about two feet.
9. Be sure the silver is squeaky clean. Clamp them to opposite sides of an 8 oz. glass of distilled water.
10. Place the tubing to the bottom of the glass.
11. Fill the glass with distilled water ONLY up to the bottom of the clips. You do not want the metal, from the clips, in contact with the water, only the silver.
12. Plug in the little transformer and oxygenation machine.
13. Run for about five hours.
14. Check with a cheap laser pointer. Point it into the water and look for a colored line. It's done when you see it.
15. Carefully remove the silver. There will be residue on them and you don't want that in the solution.
16. Keep the CS out of sunlight in an airtight bottle.
17. Clean the silver thoroughly preparing for the next batch.

Some women take colloidal silver during pregnancy to aid the baby's growth and health as well as the mother's delivery and recovery.

Colloidal silver is applied directly to the skin for acne, burns, eye infections, fungal infections, throat infections, skin infections, and Staphylococcus infections.

20 Top Ways to Use Colloidal Silver Around the House

How to use the world's most powerful all-natural anti-bacterial, anti-fungal and anti-viral disenfectant to keep your family safe and infection-free at home...
Colloidal silver can also be used topically on cuts, burns and abrasions to stop infection dead in its tracks and to dramatically stimulate the healing process. What’s more, it can be sniffed up the nose to stop pesky sinus infections like magic…it can be gargled with to stop nasty sore throats …or it can be inhaled into the lungs using a pump spray bottle to stop even the most serious of lung infections.
But colloidal silver has many other uses that will allow you to safely and effectively protect yourself and your family from infectious microorganisms and disease. Indeed, there’s no other all-natural antimicrobial substance on the face of the earth that can compare to it. Here are our top 20 family uses:
1. Drinking Water Dispensers –
The reservoir or holding tank in your bottled drinking water dispenser is largely unseen, and can easily become contaminated with bacteria or mold. To help prevent this potentially serious problem, add 1 tblsp. of colloidal silver per gallon of water each time you change bottles.
2. Food Leftovers –
Food poisoning is serious business. Restaurant leftovers are particularly susceptible to bacterial contamination, especially if the food sat in the car very long after leaving the restaurant. Use a pump spray bottle to lightly spray leftovers with colloidal silver, to keep them fresh longer. This works well for leftover pet foods, and household leftovers, too.
3. Canning and Preserves –
To prevent mold and fermentation when canning and making preserves, simply add 1 tsp. of colloidal silver per quart to your jars before sealing.
4. Underneath Kitchen and Bathroom Sinks –
Lightly spray colloidal silver under your kitchen and bathroom sinks, to prevent mold and mildew, and to disinfect and eliminate musty smells. Be sure to ventilate and let dry thoroughly.
5. Mopping –
Even well-rinsed mops can harbor bacterial and mold, which you can inadvertently spread all over your floors when mopping. Help keep your mop free from potentially harmful microbial growth by adding ½ cup of colloidal silver to your mop water as a safe, powerful antimicrobial.
6. Toilet Bowls and Tanks –
Toilet tanks can harbor a plethora of pathogens, which in turn will contaminate your toilet bowl. You can easily disinfect both by adding a cup of colloidal silver inside the toilet tank once a week.
7. Toilet Seats and Handles –
These are probably the most bacterially contaminated surfaces in your entire house. Between regular cleanings, lightly spray colloidal silver onto toilet seats and handles in order to prevent excessive microbial buildup. Allow it to air dry.
8. The Floor Around Your Toilets –
It is likely that the floor around the toilets in your home harbor more bacteria and other pathogens than any other visible surface in the house. After all, every time you flush your toilet, many thousands of extremely fine droplets of toilet water are sprayed up into the air in an invisible mist. These droplets fall to the ground, and can harbor millions of intestinal bacteria. To prevent excessive bacterial buildup on the floors around your toilet, lightly spray colloidal silver onto the floor around busy toilets in between your regular cleanings. Allow it to air dry.
9. Toilet Brushes –
Be sure to disinfect your toilet brushes after each use by spraying them thoroughly with colloidal silver. Do the same thing every time you clean your bathrooms.
10. Bathroom Plunger –
Like your toilet brush, your bathroom plunger is probably rife with invisible microbial growth. Simply spraying the plunger with colloidal silver after each use, and during your normal bathroom cleaning.
11. Jacuzzis and Hot Tubs –
Many forms of bacteria and mold are becoming resistant to chlorine and bromine. You can enhance the antibacterial and antifungal effectiveness of either of these popular disinfectants simply by adding a small amount of colloidal silver to your Jacuzzi or hot tub once a week. Just add 1 tblsp. per gallon of water. Many hot tub owners go completely chlorine and bromine-free simply by adding a half gallon of homemade colloidal silver to their Jacuzzi or hot tub, and then adding a quart a week afterwards. It works like a charm, and unlike harsh pool chemicals, it’s great for the skin!
12. Kitchen and Bathroom Sponges –
Kitchen and bathroom sponges are notorious bacterial vectors, so be extra sure to spray them with colloidal silver after each use, especially in warm or humid weather.
13. Kitchen Cutting Boards –
The debate has raged for several decades now over which type of cutting board harbors more bacteria – wood or plastic. Thanks to colloidal silver, you won’t have to worry about either. Just wash and rinse your cutting board as usual after each use, then spray lightly with colloidal silver and allow it to air dry.
14. Mold on Walls and Ceilings –
Mold is a common and potentially dangerous problem in homes, particularly in humid and coastal areas. To dramatically retard the growth of mold and mildew in your home, lightly spray colloidal silver onto the walls and ceilings in your bathroom, basement or other rooms where mold growth is a problem, particularly in corners and along seam lines where the walls and ceiling meet. Ventilate these areas to allow the colloidal silver to dry. Repeat weekly where necessary. It works like a charm!
15. Counter Tops –
Countertops in your home can harbor far more bacteria than you may think, even if you clean them frequently. But you can alleviate this problem simply by spraying them lightly with colloidal silver and allowing them to air dry, or by wiping them with a cloth that has been soaked in colloidal silver, and wait six minutes before drying with a dry towel.
16. Door Knobs and Other Contact Surfaces –
Similarly, you can spray colloidal silver lightly on your door knobs and other contact surfaces, in order to reduce the buildup and spread of microbes throughout your home.
17. Toothbrush –
We’ve often stated that next to your kitchen can opener, your toothbrush is probably the filthiest implement in your home, in terms of the potential for microbial contamination. Of course, cleaning and rinsing your toothbrush after each use alleviates a large part of this problem. Go one step further by lightly spraying the bristles and handle with colloidal silver after each usage, and microbial overgrowth will never be a worry again.
18. Kitchen Can Opener –
Several studies have shown that the can opener is generally the #1 filthiest implement in your house. That’s why regular cleaning of the handle and rotary blade is a must, and why most kitchen can openers allow for the handle and rotary blade to be easily removed for cleaning. After cleaning and drying you can go one step further by lightly spraying the handle and rotary blade with colloidal silver, and allowing it to air dry before reattaching it to the mainframe.
19. Waterpik or Other Oral Irrigator –
To prevent bacterial buildup in your oral irrigator, and to help further limit bacterial and plaque buildup around your teeth and gums, add 15 to 30 drops of colloidal silver to the reservoir of your oral irrigator every time you use it.
20. Any thing in the kids room.
If you want to keep the kids from chewing something germy then spray and let air dry and no more germs. Doctors use it in the eyes of newborns to keep them from getting infected.

Silver can kill some cancers as effectively as chemotherapy and with potentially fewer side effects. Scientists say that old wives tales about the precious metal being a ‘silver bullet’ to beat the Big C could be true.
The metal already has a wide range of medicinal uses and is a common antiseptic, antibiotic and means of purifying water.
Good news: Silver can kill some cancers as effectively as chemotherapy and with potentially fewer side effects, new research has claimed.
And British researchers now say that silver compounds are as effective at killing certain cancer cells as a leading chemotherapy drug, but with potentially far fewer side-effects.
They compared it to Cisplatin, currently used to treat a wide variety of cancers, but known to have harsh side effects including nausea, vomiting and even kidney damage.
Silver is used already in everyday products such as deodorant with no known side-effects, and could make for a potentially cheaper alternative to platinum-based Cisplatin.
Researchers from the University of Leeds conducted lab tests which exposed breast and colon cancer cells to various silver-based chemicals over a six day period.
Results, published in journal Dalton Transactions, showed that these silver-compounds were ‘as effective as Cisplatin’ at killing cancer with potentially fewer side effects.
While the team are still unsure about how exactly silver battles cancer, they think its effectiveness may be caused by the structure surrounding silver atoms, known as its ligand.
Way forward: Researchers from the University of Leeds found that silver could be used to help defeat breast cancer
They think this may help release the silver ion into cells when it enters the body, killing any cancer.

Day 25 Chelation Therapy for Autism

Bentonite Clay is a unique material that possess a comparatively strong negative ionic charge. The negative charge is compensated for by adsorbing a cation. Once you activate this clay it should magnetically pick up the garbage within your body (heavy metals, toxins, acid, etc.) and take the poisons away with them in your waste.
For Autism have you looked at Chelation Therapy using Bentonite Clay ? Put it in the tub and they get to play in dirty water . They will love it . Autism may be caused by heavy metal poisoning and reduced by Chelation Therapy.
Bentonite can be utilized externally as a clay-based poultice, mud pack or even in the bathtub along with natural skin care recipes.

A high quality Bentonite needs to be a grey/cream color and something bordering “pure white” is suspicious.

Note these cautions when you use Bentonite Clay internally:

1 ) Bentonite really should solely be consumed with a high-fiber food such as Psyllium Husk. This enables Bentonite to move naturally through the intestines.

2 ) Consume plenty of water whenever consuming Bentonite internally. This really is essential.

3 ) Don't take vitamin supplements and Bentonite clay all at once.

4 ) Bentonite Clay may also absorbs certain nutrients. To avoid this, take it no less than one hour or so before or after your meals.

5 ) Never allow Bentonite to come into contact with something metal as it reduces its effectiveness.

Although it has been mostly overlooked in recent times, Bentonite clay is increasing in popularity in recent time as an internal and external cleanser for very good reasons.
How It Works:
Bentonite clay is a very common component in detoxification and cleansing products. It possesses an alkalizing effect (anti-Cancer) on the human body so when taken appropriately, it will help balance stomach bacteria.
Sodium Bentonite:
The Sodium Bentonite is the most powerful. Which means that Sodium Bentonite has a stronger vacuum for drawing in heavy metals as well as toxins that it comes into contact with. Additionally, the Sodium Bentonite swells a lot more providing it the capability to absorb a lot more toxins as well as transporting them out of the body via the fecal matter.
Calcium Bentonite:
Calcium Bentonite will not swell as much as Sodium Bentonite and while that will make it less effective as a detoxing ingredient this really is more effective as a remineralizer. Since it does not swell as much, Calcium Bentonite may have a number of tiny particles small enough to go through the colon wall surface into the bloodstream. There it is going to scavenge toxins as well as leave behind vital minerals. Bentonite is a Silica based mineral and it is silica that permits calcium to permeate the exterior portion of the bone and move to the interior where it is most needed.
Bentonite Clay and your PH Balance:
One other factor which makes Bentonite Clay Powder so fundamental is it’s capability to increase your body’s PH. The Bentonite is going to soak up some of the hydrogen from your cells allowing these to fill that space with the oxygen you greatly require.
Bentonite Clay and nature:
Peruvian Macaws manage to in some way know the benefits of Bentonite clay. Macaws are totally dependent upon wild fresh fruit for their primary supply of food, however at certain periods of the year solely poisonous fruit can be obtained. And so they will fly to the clay and consume the clay each morning which will adsorb the alkaloid toxins present in the toxic fruit they consume throughout the day. When it becomes combined with drinking water it quickly swells open similar to an extremely porous sponge. From here the harmful toxins are drawn into the sponge by means of an electrical attraction and once there, they will be bound.
Bentonite Clay Face mask:
A clay mask produced from Bentonite draws surplus skin oils and debris to the surface area of your skin, improves circulation to tighten the skin as well as promote circulation of blood and whisks away dead skin cells which could clog skin pores.
Bentonite clay may be used to help everybody; men, women (including before, during or after pregnancy, and nursing), children and animals.
It could also be used alone for brushing teeth and is tasteless as well as reasonably texture-less.
For Baby Powder:
Simple Bentonite Clay can make an extremely soothing baby powder especially for use if there is infection or redness.
Arizona State University claims that Bentonite clay was identified to be highly effective at getting rid of MRSA not to mention Salmonella, E. Coli and others.
It may be used as frequently as you would like, as well as in in any manner you choose. Just remember to drink plenty of water when using it internally.

Day 24 Chronic inflammation

The immune system’s response to an inflammatory diet diverts the body’s energy from healing and repair and allows whatever is latent in our genetic makeup to “kick up” whatever is chronic (arthritis, migraines, depression) and worsen.

Chronic inflammation exacerbates and hastens the aging process because it floods tissues with free radicals and promotes the destruction of normal cells. Chronic low-grade inflammation contributes to the aging process, and research shows that it is a major contributor to the aging of the cardiovascular and nervous system. Inflammation is now recognized as one of the key risk factors for heart disease, diabetes, high cholesterol and stroke and cognitive and neurological disorders.
It is becoming increasingly clear that chronic inflammation is the root cause of many serious illnesses - including heart disease, many cancers, and Alzheimer's disease. When inflammation persists or serves no purpose, it damages the body and causes illness. Stress, lack of exercise, genetic predisposition, and exposure to toxins (like secondhand tobacco smoke) can all contribute to such chronic inflammation, but dietary choices play a big role as well. Learning how specific foods influence the inflammatory process is the best strategy for containing it and reducing long-term disease risks.

The Anti-Inflammatory Diet is not a diet in the popular sense - it is not intended as a weight-loss program (although people can and do lose weight on it), nor is it an eating plan to stay on for a limited period of time. Rather, it is way of selecting and preparing foods based on scientific knowledge of how they can help your body maintain optimum health. Along with influencing inflammation, this diet will provide steady energy and ample vitamins, minerals, essential fatty acids dietary fiber, and protective phytonutrients.
You can also adapt your existing recipes according to these anti-inflammatory diet principles:
General Diet Tips:
  • Aim for variety.
  • Include as much fresh food as possible.
  • Minimize your consumption of processed foods and fast food.
  • Eat an abundance of fruits and vegetables.
Caloric Intake
  • The distribution of calories you take in should be as follows: 40 to 50 percent from carbohydrates, 30 percent from fat, and 20 to 30 percent from protein.
  • Try to include carbohydrates, fat, and protein at each meal.
  • The majority should be in the form of less-refined, less-processed foods with a low glycemic load.
  • Reduce your consumption of foods made with wheat flour and sugar, especially bread and most packaged snack foods (including chips and pretzels).
  • Eat more whole grains such as brown rice and bulgur wheat, in which the grain is intact or in a few large pieces. These are preferable to whole wheat flour products, which have roughly the same glycemic index as white flour products.
  • Eat more beans, winter squashes, and sweet potatoes.
  • Cook pasta al dente and eat it in moderation.
  • Avoid products made with high fructose corn syrup.
  • A ratio of 1:2:1 of saturated to monounsaturated to polyunsaturated fat.
  • Reduce your intake of saturated fat by eating less butter, cream, high-fat cheese, unskinned chicken and fatty meats, and products made with palm kernel oil.
  • Use extra-virgin olive oil as a main cooking oil. Organic canola oil is also acceptable.
  • Avoid regular safflower and sunflower oils, corn oil, cottonseed oil, and mixed vegetable oils.
  • Strictly avoid margarine, vegetable shortening, and all products listing them as ingredients. Strictly avoid all products made with partially hydrogenated oils of any kind. Include in your diet avocados and nuts, especially walnuts, cashews, almonds, and nut butters made from these nuts.
  • For omega-3 fatty acids, eat Krill oil, cold water salmon, sardines packed in water or olive oil, herring, and black cod (sablefish, butterfish); omega-3 fortified eggs; hemp seeds and flaxseeds (preferably freshly ground); or take a fish oil supplement.
  • Eat less protein if you have liver or kidney problems, allergies, or autoimmune disease.
  • Decrease your consumption of animal protein except for fish and high quality natural cheese and yogurt.
  • Eat more vegetable protein, especially from beans in general and soybeans in particular. Become familiar with the range of whole-soy foods available and find ones you like.
  • Try to eat 40 grams of fiber a day. You can achieve this by increasing your consumption of fruit, especially berries, vegetables (especially beans), and whole grains.
  • Ready-made cereals can be good fiber sources, but read labels to make sure they give you at least 4 and preferably 5 grams of bran per one-ounce serving.
  • To get maximum natural protection against age-related diseases (including cardiovascular disease, cancer, and neurodegenerative disease) as well as against environmental toxicity, eat a variety of fruits, vegetables and mushrooms.
  • Choose fruits and vegetables from all parts of the color spectrum, especially berries, tomatoes, orange and yellow fruits, and dark leafy greens.
  • Choose organic produce or thoroughly clean your produce.
  • Eat cruciferous (cabbage-family) vegetables regularly.
  • Include soy foods in your diet.
  • Drink tea instead of coffee, especially good quality white, green or oolong tea.
  • If you drink alcohol, use red wine preferentially.
  • Enjoy plain dark chocolate in moderation (with a minimum cocoa content of 70 percent).
Vitamins and Minerals
The best way to obtain your daily vitamins is by eating a diet high in fresh foods with an abundance of fruits and vegetables. For minerals, and micronutrients supplement your diet with the following antioxidant cocktail:
  • Vitamin C, 200 milligrams a day.
  • Vitamin E, 400 IU of natural mixed tocopherols (d-alpha-tocopherol with other tocopherols, or, better, a minimum of 80 milligrams of natural mixed tocopherols and tocotrienols).
  • Selenium, 200 micrograms of an organic (yeast-bound) form.
  • Mixed carotenoids, 10,000-15,000 IU daily.
  • A multimineral supplement (70+ minerals).
  • At least 400 micrograms of folic acid and 2,000 IU of vitamin D. It should contain no iron (unless you are a female and having regular menstrual periods) and no preformed vitamin A (retinol). Take these supplements with your largest meal.
  • You should take supplemental calcium (500 milligrams) Magnesium (250 milligrams) 2-3 times a day with food.

Other Dietary Supplements
  • If you are not eating oily fish at least twice a week, take supplemental Krill oil.
  • DO NOT go on low-dose aspirin therapy. Antioxidants do the same thing but better.
  • If you are not regularly eating ginger and turmeric, consider taking these in supplemental form.
  • Add coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) to your daily regimen: 60-100 milligrams of a softgel form taken with your largest meal.
  • If you are prone to metabolic syndrome, take alpha-lipoic acid, 100 to 400 milligrams a day.

  • Drink pure water, or drinks that are mostly water (tea, very diluted fruit juice, sparkling water with lemon) throughout the day.
  • Use bottled water or get a home water purifier if your tap water tastes of chlorine or other contaminants.