Day 18 - Yeast overgrowth?

Yeast overgrowth
Do you suffer from any of these symptoms?
  • * sugar cravings
  • * cravings for foods such as wine, bread, cheese
  • * migraines or headaches
  • * chronic thrush
  • * inability to lose weight
  • * tired all the time
  • * often feel spaced out
  • * feel drunk on a small amount of alcohol
  • * feel bloated and have flatulence
  • *Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
  • *Fibromyalgia
  • *sinusitis
  • *spastic colon

If these symptoms seem familiar, then you may have a yeast overgrowth such as candida albicans. Though poorly understood by most physicians, treating this underlying infection can have profound health benefits!
We all have the yeast' candida' in our gut, but is usually controlled by other bacteria. When the immune system is compromised (because of illness, for example, or a poor diet), the proportion of 'healthy' bacteria can be altered, causing candida to grow out of control
There are specific triggers that cause the overgrowth of Candida. One of the primary causes is the use of antibiotics. Antibiotics kill the healthy flora of the gut. After treatment with antibiotics, it`s important to rebuild this healthy flora, or Candida will run rampant. Oral contraceptives can also cause a Candida overgrowth, as can excessive use of sugar or alcohol.

How do I Treat the Candida/Yeast?

It takes around 3-5 months to restore balance between the healthy bacteria and the yeast in your body, but most people will be feeling better at ~ 1 month into using the prescription antifungal "Diflucan." Here is your "recipe" for treating the yeast:
  •  Begin by avoiding sugar (I will add the magic words "except for dark chocolate," which is a healthy food in moderation and I like it). Sugar feeds yeast, so substitute stevia, a healthy natural sweetener.
  •  Take healthy bacteria (probiotics) to fight the yeast. I recommend the Pearls below.
  • Get some fiber in there. Fiber purges the lining of the colon and helps reduce inflammation and yeast.
  • Use colloidal Silver.
Don’t eat fruit – or drink fruit juices - as they contain natural sugars that promote the growth of yeast. Don’t drink beer, wine or liquor as the alcohol also provides sugar, and many of these products are fermented with yeast. Bagels, muffins, pastries, breads and crackers should also be eliminated from the diet as they contain yeast and sugar. 
Anything with vinegar – which is made with yeast culture – should be avoided as well. Mushrooms should be avoided as should peanuts and peanut butter, cheeses, and meats that are dried, smoked or pickled. Beverages that should be avoided are fermented drinks such as root beer and cider, black tea, and coffee.
Increasing your intake of raw garlic and soluble fiber will help your body to fight the yeast infection.
Early in the treatment many people notice a worsening of their symptoms. When the Candida is killed it releases proteins and toxins. This process is known as die-off and is temporary. With strict adherence to the diet, and treatment regime the patient will usually begin to notice improvements in two to four weeks.